
Climbing Arco in early Spring

Quick and dirty, skip the winter. We found spring in 3.5 hours from our doorstep. Finally, after weeks of a long, cold, winter. Climbing in Arco is a splendid destination to run a way to from the winter, when the conditions turn good. The Garda lake’s mild climate offers a short getaway, without having to fly off to another continent. It felt so good to be here before the real season begins. Enjoy this photo essay of our days in Arco.

Arco, Lago di Garda
High above the town of Torbole lies Nago. This climbing area is one of the oldest that exist in the valley, but holds some still very fine climbing with a great view.
Arco, Lago di Garda
Typical houses and alleys in the region
Arco, Lago di Garda
Arco, Lago di Garda
Probably one of the shots where everyone has in their photo album.
Lago di Garda
At the little summit Cima Strussia, looking down on Lake Garda and Monte Baldo on the other side
Arco, Lago di Garda
Hiking up the Cima Strussia on a hazy day. It was too cold for climbing and we picked out a summit instead. Perhaps peak would be the better word. There were still plenty of snow at the top. The paths icy. Views from this side to Val di Ledro.
Sanderland, Tenno
Lake Tenno, is a few serpentines above Lake Garda with really some stunning views and a sunny wall to dwell the day. The crag must be dry to find perfect conditions to climb in winter. We were lucky. But it was cold!
Lago di Tenno
Beautiful Lago di Tenno
Lago di Tenno
Lago di Tenno
Arco, Lago di Garda
Best place to dry your cloths
Arco, Lago di Garda
The center of Arco
Arco, Lago di Garda
The castle of Arco can be reached with a short walk up the pathway from the town
Looking down on the city of Tenno
Arco, Lago di Garda
Snow bells are signs of the last snow of the season. Spring is just around the corner!
Arco, Lago di Garda
Arco, Lago di Garda
Arco, Lago di Garda
It looked more like a cliff in France. But it’s really just in Arco. Grottosauro – you won’t find dinasors here, but some fine routes
Arco, Lago di Garda
The strong northern winds usually bring good weather to the south, while it rains and snow in the northern Alps. But this wind is pretty cold too. Good, when you find a wind sheltered, sun trapped crag.
Arco, Lagi di Garda
Views off Riva
Arco, Lago di Garda
Great spot to be when the sun shines.

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  1. Liebe Rebecca,
    kann ich jedem empfehlen! Tut die Seele und Finger richtig gut 😉

    Bis bald,

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