Luxury at the rocks
Ambience, beauty, surroundings and facilities count, when you want to rate a climbing area. Sometimes, there are interesting findings at places when you least expect it. Some are luxurious, some funny
Ambience, beauty, surroundings and facilities count, when you want to rate a climbing area. Sometimes, there are interesting findings at places when you least expect it. Some are luxurious, some funny
Long gone is Arco a secret paradise for climbers. Olive trees and wine yards decorate the sarca valley. Arco with a great infrastructure by today poses a great getaway for everyone big &…
If you drive through Longarone and look up to the roads that lead to Erto, you’ll notice this great wall that covers a great part of that hill you’ll be passing. Then you’d…
Winter and frost is the worst enemy for rocks. Snow, rain are all elements that seep through the rock and expands when it freezes, causing a rock to crack. Therefore, extra precaution (not…
Frankly speaking, before the hype came, back in the 80ties and 90ties, rock climbers were probably the nightmare of every sales manager. They were one of the worst target groups to make profit…
It was an invitation from Bergfreunde that came knocking at my door months back for the first Bloggers Meet in Zillertal. This event brought outdoor enthusiasts from all categories together, be it the…
This is how the Grading System functions for sportsclimbing. Here’s a comparison table from the 4 most important countries. Note that Asia uses both the french and american grading system in mix. The…
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