Betastick Clipstick compact review
Also known as just a clipstick, cheat stick, clip aid a.s.o. Which ever way it goes, it’s the same thing. It stretches your arm 2-3m longer and makes you taller than the most. But let him speak for himself:
Hello world!
I am black, 69 cm tall and can grow to 2.75m long for a compact. For many, the longer the better. I fit diagonally in a small travel luggage and am 460 g light. Climbers who travel often abroad will be happy to have me along. I even take care of my personal hygiene. I have my own M16 tooth-brush! Incase you forget to bring your toothbrush on a trip, you can use mine. As long as you don’t mind me using the same brush to clean those holds on boulders that are out of your reach.
I am a life saver.
I save you from ruining your day because you won’t have to leave an old carabiner in the route you can’t get up on (and rappel down) . I save you from dangerous ankle injuries if you slip and fall before the first high bolt. I save you on some strength, so that you can boulder the crux properly without multiple falls. You will be fresher and ready for the next go. I also save you from extensive falls into your rope ends, making your rope life last a little longer. Call me a cheater, but I am really good with girls – I make your belay bunnies happy, when you don’t fall all the time and test on their patience. Nevermind if the other guys mock you. They are probably jealous: you’ve never been dancing up so graciously to the first high bolt, without having to fear of slipping and grounding. So yes, call me a hero. I love to be your hero.
Using me
I am the fastest to d
raw my gunclip any quickdraw. Difficult angles and bulges are a test piece but I usually get them all in. I love challenges. I am not wobbly, and pre-clipping a rope hasn’t been easier. I am frightened of heights, but if you have me secured in high, airy places, I’ll feel safer with you. You can use the clip I have to clip me in your harness, but I prefer to be tied down with a little paracord and carabiner so that I don’t go flying down the pitch and break my one and only leg. My last joint is a little wobbly, thin and somewhat fragile, but use that only when it’s really necessary. If all your biners are clipped and you’re ready to lead your route, but still want the first bolt to be clipped and hanged, use the velcro to secure the rope in a loop and clip in the rope by pulling one of the ends into the biner. It takes some practise, but practice makes perfect.Everybody has their own ethics while climbing. But actually, what matters most is that at the end of the day, you’re home safe and tired, with no broken ankles or injuries and you’ve had plenty of fun. Trust me, sitting home with an injured ankle for a year plus isn’t anything fun. You’ll grow fat and sloppy in no time.
So don’t you think I’m a good aid to make sports climbing a safer sport?
The Verdict
The majority of the carabiners fit in the wire that holds the gate open, but there are some modern ones which won’t work with this system. Check the compatibility of your biners before.
Unlike the Squid, you can’t unclip a carabiner from the bolt with this system. Perhaps this would be an asset for future models.
Clipping the stickclip in the harness may be a good quick idea, but this makes it impossible to hang it off somewhere while you’re still in airy heights climbing. A hole in the handle would enable a small paracord and biner to ensure it doesn’t fly off from your harness or back pack. The hole which is punched at the clipper isn’t practical for placing those cords.
The Clipstick comes in different lengths. The shortest is the compact with 2.74 m stretched out, the longest goes out to be 5.45 m long. This is definitely too long to fit in a travel luggage, but does wonders to mega run-outs. It’s a comfort to have the clip stick come along on every trip. And we could really be best of friends.

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[Disclosure: I have received product samples for my time and efforts in reviewing this product and creating this article, thanks to All thoughts and opinions are my own. ]