Nimm’s Mit – make it a cleaner mountain
Not too long ago Andreas from Gipfelfieber launched a viral project (in german) called “Nimm’s Mit”. It’s all about “taking it along” – trash we find on the trials in the Alps and Forests to decay obviously forever.
Did you know that it takes a plastic bottle at least a 100 years before it starts decaying? Chances are, you will be seeing the same bottle again the next time you come round.
It’s also the tiny piece of plastic wrap from the chocolate bar, the rest of tape, the plastic ring of a six-pack bottle or even the plastic bottle itself. It may have fallen out from your back pack unexpectedly, or, it could also be done on purpose. Whatever the reason, if everyone helps out to take it along as you see it, you will help make the Alps a little cleaner.

There’s not always a Ranger, neither is there a Park Attendant who will be scanning the trials to clear of trash. A rubbish left behind in the Alps, will stay there forever.
The only person who is responsible for the cleanliness of the mountain is nobody else but Y O U.
You can help make our environment, and the places that you frequent in your free time outdoors – the Summit, the trial, the boulder block, the sports /alpine climbing crag, the inofficial picnic spot by the Alps to be a little cleaner by just taking these things with you and throwing them away at the dedicated rubbish bin in the valley.
Let’s get together and help keep these beautiful places clean, just like how we would like to find them in the first place.
Update 24.09.2015:
Note: Due to early snowfalls in the mountains this year, we have postponed the incentive that was posted earlier here, to a later date.